Import RenewMap wind turbine data to a QGIS project.
Check the API docs
You will need an API key to get started.
Check the Getting Started page for instructions.
In QGIS, you can run a Python script to fetch RenewMap API data into your project.
- Select Plugins > Python Console and then select 📝 Show editor
- Create a new blank script using the ➕ icon.
- Paste the code below into the blank script, replacing
with your actual API key. - Run the script with the ▶️ icon.
- The latest RenewMap data will appear in your project:
- A new Point layer called Wind Turbine Database with wind turbine locations and attributes
Note: the layer is stored in memory and will be lost when you close the project. Re-run the script whenever you want to get the latest data.
If you want to persist the layer to your next session, right click the layer in the Layers pane and select Make permanent. However, this permanent layer will not update with new data.
import pandas as pd
import requests
from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer, QgsField, QgsFeature, QgsGeometry, QgsPointXY
from PyQt5.QtCore import QVariant
from typing import Dict, List
from dataclasses import dataclass
API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY" # Replace with your actual API key
DATA_KEY = "turbines"
class APIConfig:
"""Configuration class for API parameters.
base_url: Base URL for the API endpoint
limit: Number of records per request
headers: HTTP headers for API requests
base_url: str = BASE_URL
limit: int = 10000
headers: Dict = None
def __post_init__(self):
"""Initialize default headers if none provided"""
if self.headers is None:
self.headers = {
"accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {API_KEY}"
def fetch_data(config: APIConfig) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Fetch data from API using pagination.
config: APIConfig object containing API configuration
DataFrame containing all fetched data
dfs = []
# Fetch data in chunks using pagination
while True:
url = f"{config.base_url}?limit={config.limit}&offset={offset}"
response = requests.get(url, headers=config.headers)
data_dict = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict[DATA_KEY])
if df.empty:
break # No more data available
offset += config.limit # Increment offset for next request
return pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
def create_qgis_fields(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[QgsField]:
"""Create QGIS fields based on DataFrame columns.
df: Input DataFrame with project data
List of QgsField objects
# Create longitude and latitude fields
fields = [
QgsField('Longitude', QVariant.Double),
QgsField('Latitude', QVariant.Double)
# Add other fields from the DataFrame
for column in df.columns:
if column != 'point':
field_type = QVariant.String if df[column].dtype == 'O' else QVariant.Double
fields.append(QgsField(column, field_type))
return fields
def create_feature(row: pd.Series) -> QgsFeature:
"""Create QGIS feature from DataFrame row.
row: Series containing single turbine data row
QgsFeature object with geometry and attributes
feature = QgsFeature()
# Extract longitude and latitude from the 'point' column
longitude, latitude = row['point']
# Set geometry and attributes
point = QgsPointXY(longitude, latitude)
# Prepare attribute values
attributes = [longitude, latitude]
for column in df.columns:
if column != 'point':
value = row[column]
if isinstance(value, list): # Handle arrays of numbers
value = ','.join(map(str, value)) # Convert to comma-separated string
return feature
def create_vector_layer(df: pd.DataFrame) -> QgsVectorLayer:
"""Create a QgsVectorLayer from a DataFrame.
df: Input DataFrame with turbine data
QgsVectorLayer object for QGIS map display
# Create qgis layer
layer = QgsVectorLayer("Point?crs=epsg:4326", "Wind Turbine Database", "memory")
provider = layer.dataProvider()
# Add fields to layer
fields = create_qgis_fields(df)
# Add features to layer
features = [create_feature(row) for _, row in df.iterrows()]
return layer
config = APIConfig()
df = fetch_data(config)
layer = create_vector_layer(df)
# Add the layer to the map