API Reference

Contact us at support@renewmap.com.au to enable API access


It is your responsibility to ensure generated API keys are stored securely and are not used in breach of RenewMap terms of use.

  • API keys may be revoked if anomalous activity is detected
  • API keys have a maximum lifetime of 6 months, after which they will expire

Generating an API key

  1. Open RenewMap and click the top right settings menu
  2. Select "Access keys"
  3. Click "Generate"
  4. Click the key to copy it to your clipboard


Use your generated API key to access RenewMap API endpoints via an Authorization header:

curl --request GET \
     --url https://api.renewmap.com.au/api/v1/projects \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'